privat/semi-privat short/longterm coaching programs
Meditation events
Ambient listening sessions
Spiritual pop-ups
Sound healing
Custom retreats: from 1 day to 1 week.
Spiritual / ART / Silent
Corporative meditation events and retreats.
Here is an example of a micro retreat at the farm.
It all begins with an intention.
If you want to know more about “ONE O 8” services or to collaborate - feel free to ask, offer, connect HERE.
108 is a sacred number in many cultures and religions.
108 represents the Kangyur wich is the word of Buddha.
In Buddhist temples, the bell rings 108 times to overcome the 108 passions that prevent people from reaching enlightenment.
The number of beads on the rosary is 108.
In Islam, the number 108 is used to represent God.
In Hatha yoga, 108 basic asanas of therapeutic yoga are distinguished.
In Ayurveda, 108 energy points can be found in the human body.
The distance from the Earth to the Sun is equivalent to 108 diameters of the Sun.
Gratitude has a healing effect on your mental and physical health.
Fear is not possible in the state of gratitude.
Gratitude has of the highest vibration frequency.
Feeling of gratitude opens a heart chakra.
Currently in Spain.
Karma is the result of our actions, intentions, words, and thoughts.
Dao (Tao) is the source of all forms.
At the same time, it is an energy that forms the whole process of creation.
Dao or Tao is the natural order of the Universe.
Somatic meditation involves grounding your meditation in your body and not in your mind. That really connects with the present moment.
Our body is directly connected to the subconscious, so by directing attention inside of the body for sensations, we have the ability to influence subconscious processes.
By releasing blocks and clamps in the body, we become liberated on all levels.
The body has an intuitive awareness of wholeness. When we practice somatic meditation, we simply try to tune into this basic, intuitive awareness.
For the first meditation it is important to find a calm and quiet space, to have time and not to be in a hurry, to find yourself in a comfortable relaxed position (laying, sitting, standing), turn off all notifications, and turn on meditation music or sounds to switch easily to the meditative mode.
Even 5 minutes is enough for the first time. Just watch your breathing and feelings in the body. Observe your thoughts on the background without thinking them. When you find your attention passed away, just put it back on your breathing and feelings with no judgment, softly and gently.
Write down all your thoughts, emotions, fears, and hopes on paper. Chaotically with no structure. For 30 minutes.
Walk outside for at least 30 minutes (better 1-2 hours) with no certain destination.
Try to meditate focusing on breathing as long as possible for you now.
Practice 108 bows of gratitude.
Chanting OM Mantra 108 times.
These really help to release the tension and stop your inner drama.
To create. To create your own sense. TO CREATE YOURSELF.
To become whole.
To make full use of your character and full use of your life on Earth.
To tame your ego and cleanse the connection with the higher self.
To experience.